Friday, June 19, 2015

Day 34: Dove Creek, CO

Day 34

June 19, 2015

Miles: 46.5

Blanding to Dove Creek

We left Blanding at 8:45am after eating the continental breakfast at the hotel. We made it to Dove Creek by 3:00pm. We rode pretty well despite climbing almost 3000ft up and down and double digit wind factor. We stopped for lunch at a little place in Monticello after riding 2.5 hours. After lunch, Steve stocked up on gatorade. He is very committed to hydrating and replenishing his electrolytes. He doesn't want any repeat performance like in the desert. I successfully convinced him to give me a bottle :o)  

Steve and his gatorade - 4 bottles

Big smile - Steve having a great day riding

Bigger smile

Leaving behind Utah

We did it.  We made it into Colorado.  I must say it felt great leaving Utah.  A beautiful state, but hot and hilly.  Colorado will be tough riding as well, but not like Utah.  Today for instance, was a relatively easy day compared to past days. We rode almost 47 miles and climbed 2926 ft (not all at once, it was a lot of up and down).  It was windy and hot today as well.  However on the positive side, the wind is great to cool off.

At one point Steve tried to make me go back to Utah, but I said No, No, No...

As soon as we crossed the state-line, the change in the road condition was remarkable. I hope Colorado roads stay this way because it is great rolling on these roads.

A little trick to stay cool. I wet my bandana and put it around my neck (below).  It's what got me through the desert.  Today's weather was in the 90s.  

Hot sunny day

Staying cool

We stopped for lunch in Monticello (pop. 2000) after riding 21 miles.  We ate at PJ's.  We both had turkey club sandwiches.  They gave us a great sandwich.  A place the locals recommended.  The history of Monticello is that this town was named after Thomas Jefferson's plantation house in Virginia.  However, for some reason they pronounce it MontiSello.  I guess they didn't do a good job on their research.

A lunch place in Monticello

When we got back on the rode the weather had changed.  Not sure if you can see in this picture below, but the light green grass is the wind rolling through the grass. There was a very strong wind coming out of the south.  We were riding east so the ride today was more difficult than it had to be.  Regardless, we made great time.  

Change in scenery
As we rolled into Dove Creek, we looked for lodging.  There is only one place in town - the Motel 9 Country Inn - $45 a night.  This alarmed me right away, but since there isn't a campground in town, I had to look the other way.  Surprisingly the room is clean, the WiFi performs great and it has HBO, but it is truly the size of a breadbox.  We had to lock our bikes on the porch for the night because they didn't fit in the room.  If we can survive three days in the hot desert, then we can survive one night in this tiny room.

We are headed to Rico tomorrow.  It is halfway up a crazy climb.  It means riding 73 miles, but we think we are up to it.  If not, there is Priest Gulch Campground 10 miles east of Stoner, about 10 miles before Rico that we can stop if we need to. 

Add on ... Colorado has such beautiful native flowering plants everywhere.


  1. Wahoo!!! You made it to CO! I love that state sign, I remember it as a beacon of hope when exiting Kansas. And Di, I love the wet bandana trick too. You guys at getting pretty good at this ole touring thing. Good luck storming the castle! (Rico, that is)

  2. Yay! Colorado! We are wondering how many miles you've done so far? Today sounds like it's going to be hard. Be safe, love you guys. ❤️
