Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Day 25: Escalante Rest Day

Day 25

June 10, 2015

Miles: 0

Escalante to Escalante

First of all, today is Jen's birthday, so Happy Birthday, Pi!  Everybody wish happy birthday to Jen and I'm sure she will say hi to all of you.

Jen says hello

Jen, I hope you have a great and fun birthday.  If you can enjoy your birthday half as much as Nanny enjoys her's, then you can be sure you have had a wonderful birthday.

Nobody enjoys a birthday as much as Nanny

We woke up a little after 8am and lounged around for a while.  Well, more than a while because when  we finally left the hotel room to get breakfast it was after 11am.  We found a cafe just one block away that had great coffee.  The spinach and cheese quiche was so good that I had a second piece.  The blackberry muffins were yummy, too!

Obligatory breakfast shot

Over breakfast, Di and I talked about how difficult the ride will be over the next two days.  On each of those days we have had climbs with a 14% grade.  Yesterday's ride had climbs with 10% grades and we found the climbs difficult, so the upcoming rides will be even harder.  Di and I were sufficiently cowed by the prospect of these climbs that we decided to pare down our weight by eliminating some gear.   I was able to find three pounds and Di four pounds of gear that we felt we no longer needed.  Its not a ton of weight, I know, but every little bit helps!  We went to the post office and mailed our seven pounds home.

Shot of post office included to make blog seem longer than it really is

We went to the organic grocery store and bought a few things.

Shot of grocery store to make blog seem longer than it really is

Di made friends with the dog that belonged to the owner.  For someone who professes to not like pets, she always seems happy when she mets them.

Shot of Di with dog made extra large to make blog seem longer than it really is

I washed my clothes and draped them over a chair that I carried out to the parking lot to dry.

You can guess why this picture is here

This is a picture down Main Street and shows the mountain in the distance we will climb tomorrow.  As an added bonus, that's my shadow in the road.

My shadow makes me look hunchbacked

We went back to the same cafe where we had dinner and Di and I each got chicken calzones.

Di looks ready to eat

Well, that's about it.  I learned that there is much less to write about when describing your day if you stay in bed until 11am watching tv.  Tomorrow we are on to Boulder.  Utah, that is, not Colorado.


  1. Hope you had a great fun day yesterday Jen! I'm sure you stocked up at the organic store Di! Good girl! Looks like rain might be in your forecast for the next couple days... please be extra cautious! Namaste! xo

  2. Happy birthday Jen! Continue to be safe and have fun Diane and Steve.

  3. Thanks for the birthday shoutout! Good luck on your upcoming climbs. I think the combined 7 pounds will make all the difference!!
