Sunday, June 7, 2015

Day 21: Kanab Rest Day

Day 21

June 6, 2015

Miles: 0

Kanab to Kanab

Today is a rest day!  Di didn't really need a break because she said she felt fine, but I was tired after yesterday's ride so I voted for a rest day.  We went downstairs at 8am to enjoy the free breakfast and we were joined by Node, who also wanted a free breakfast.  He said he had a great night's sleep in his free hotel room that Di provided.  Despite what my high school economics teacher always said, maybe there is such a thing as a free lunch.

After breakfast Di headed to the laundromat, as she usually does on our rest days.  

Clean clothes makes Di happy

 While the clothes were being laundered, Di and I went to the cafe to meet up with Node.  We drank some coffee, I read my book, Node wrote in his journal, and when the clothes were done we went across the street to get some lunch.  After lunch, Di said she wanted to go back to the hotel and relax in the room for a while, so we made plans to meet Node for breakfast tomorrow morning at 6:30am and said our goodbyes.  Almost immediately after arriving at our room, I learned what Di meant by relaxing.

Di being extremely relaxed.

I finished reading my book, Morality Play, while Di slept.  A couple of hours had gone by since Di nodded off, so I decided to leave the room and do some exploring.  My first stop was the hotel lobby to partake of a complimentary cookie.

Free cookies taste better than purchased ones

I walked out of the hotel and headed to the cafe to get a cup of coffee.  I could see that Node was at the cafe, so I went back to the hotel to get him a free cookie.

Node's bike tips off his presence

Node was happy to get the cookie, but I was unhappy to discover I had left my money back in the hotel room and was unable to buy a coffee.

Here's how I look when I can't get coffee

I walked out of the cafe and saw the grocery store, so I decided to take a picture of it.

This is the Kanab grocery store

I started walking towards the center of town and saw the place where we ate lunch, so I decided to take a picture of it.

Picture of the Three Bears Restaurant

I continued on towards town and passed the Holiday Inn, so I decided to take a picture of it.

Picture of the Holiday Inn (Di is sleeping somewhere in there)

I passed the town's only movie cinema and saw that San Andreas was playing.  I love movies of mass destruction and thought that if Di awoke any time soon, maybe we could see it this evening.

Here I am in front of the movie theater

I kept walking and was happy to see that if I wanted I could buy Levi's 501 for a very reasonable price.   I couldn't though, because I didn't have any money on me.

Levi's must be popular in Kanab

I continued walking and came upon a large wood carving of a bear and a strange totem pole, so I took a picture of it.

Picture of a large bear and totem

 There was a table behind the bear so I sat down and took a little break.

How I look taking a break behind a wooden bear

I continued on and came upon a wood carving of an Indian, so I took a picture of it.

How I look with a wood carving of an Indian

I kept walking and came upon a stage coach, so I decide to take a picture of it.

How I look next to a stage coach

I resumed my walk and came upon another wood carving of a bear, so I decided to take a picture of it.

How I look sitting next to a wooden bear

I didn't have to walk very far before I came upon another wood carving of an Indian.  I decided to take a picture of this, too.

How I look next to another wooden Indian

I only went twenty paces or so before I came upon a covered wagon. This, too, I decide to take a picture of.

How I look leaning over a covered wagon

I walked a little farther down the road and came upon a book store.  At first I was excited, but then I remembered I had no money, so I just became unhappy again.

How I look when despondent at a book store

A couple of buildings down from the book store was a camera shop that specialized in old fashioned film cameras.  I again became excited, but q;quickly became unhappy again when I realized the store was closed.  It didn't really matter because I had no money anyway.

How I look in front of a closed camera shop

A little further down the road was a pawn shop and after that a cafe.  As I mentioned before, I had no money, so what was the point of entering either one?  I decided to take a picture of them anyway.

How I look outside the no-point-in-entering pawn shop

I had hit the end of town, so I turned around and headed back to the hotel.  Along the way I saw a statue of a bull wrapped in film.  I read a plaque that this statue commemorated Kanab's status as "Little Hollywood", as designation given to the town because so many movies were made here.  I decided to take a picture of the bull.

How I look in front of a statue of a bull

I reached the hotel and saw that there was another old wagon in front of the parking lot.  It made me reflect that there were a lot of old wagons hanging around this town.  In some towns you can find rusted cars in people's yards, but in Kanab they have broken down wagons.

How I look next to yet another wagon

It was now close to 8pm and because Di had started her nap at 3pm, I was pretty sure she would be up when I got back to the room.  I thought I could convince her to go to see a movie, but those thoughts were dashed as soon as I entered the room. 

Five hours later...

Rest days are for resting and relaxing and Di and I certainly did that today.  We have a 52 mile ride to Hatch tomorrow, so tomorrow morning it will be back on the road.


  1. Classic. Steve, you crack me up!! Glad you both enjoyed your day off in your own ways..

  2. Thanks for the tour of Kanab. The pictures are much enhanced by your presence!

  3. I kanab believe there are that many wood sculpture in Kanab!

    Enjoy the ride tomorrow!


  4. Just caught up on the last 10 days while sitting in a nice Somerville park I found near my new apartment! As I read, the thought that most frequently crosses my mind is how awesome it must feel to eat such large volumes of food without consequence. The 2nd most frequent thought that crosses my mind is how my mom would love the blog if she read it...we keep telling her to read it and she replies that "she should" each time. I'll keep working on it. Happy travels tomorrow! :)
