Monday, August 17, 2015

Day 92: Palmyra, VA

Day 92

August 16, 2015

Miles: 21

Charlottesville to Palmyra

It is late, so this post is going to be short for now, but my intention is to update it with all the great pics Steve took of Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's Virginia home.  While in Charlottesville this morning, we visited this amazing, historic property. 

We woke at 7:00a and then went downstairs for breakfast. We basically had a lazy morning; perhaps because of the long, grueling ride yesterday.  By the time we got to Monticello it was after 12:00p. To get there, we rode 6 miles through the college town to arrive at the entrance and then an additional 2 miles up Monticello trail to Little Mountain as Monticello is referred.

Riding the trail to Monticello

Random pic

Steve having conversation with Thomas Jefferson

All tours for the inside of the property were organized and guided  We booked the next available tour 1:40p.  It set us back, but we really wanted to see Monticello. We thought we could make time up in the afternoon, but while there it started to rain with thunder and lighting, so we needed to wait it out. We finally got back on the road; it was about 4:00p, hence the short ride today. It was an amazing experience to see Monticello - details still to come. 

We are staying at Cindy and Gerry's house, a couple who generously offered to put us up for the night.  Their house is in Lake Monticello, a little town close to Palmyra.  Cindy made us a wonderful dinner and then both her and Gerry showed us around their lake community.  Time got away from us tonight, so this post was started very late.  There is so much more to tell, but it will have to wait.

We are off tomorrow to Ashland about 75 miles.

More to come on Monticello and Cindy and Gerry's hospitality tomorrow ...


  1. Awesome trailer ... I can't wait. Just when you thought the blog couldn't get any better...

  2. Nice to see a little history on this biking trip. Can't wait to hear more details on Monticello and Jefferson. And also your time spent with the owners, viewing the land around the Lake Monticello. Hope you are doing okay, you had another grueling ride. Take care, and love you!!!
