Sunday, July 5, 2015

Day 50: Scott City Rest Day

Day 50

July 5, 2015

Miles: 0

Scott City to Scott City

We are staying at the Best Western; the only place that we luckily got reservations because of the 4th of July holiday.  They have good services here.  They have a self-service laundry room, which is great because it alleviates us searching for a local Laundromat.  As a rule, if possible, on our days off, we stay at places that have a laundry self service. It makes things easier and essentially gives us more time to rest.  We got up late this morning, between 8:00a and 9:00a, hung out in our room for a bit, then went to get continental breakfast before it closed at 10:00a.  

Breakfast was great and so was lunch today; finally, healthy food choices.  You probably won't hear about our dinner choice because I really want to post this early today.  The US v. Japan women's world cup soccer game is tonight and Steve and I both want to watch it.  

This morning I made something my mom has been making me for years.  Hard boiled eggs and oranges.  Dressed with a little olive oil and salt and pepper.  Just a great combination!  Loved it!  

Three eggs and one good sized orange

Steve and I went to Tate's for lunch.  The only place open today because it is Sunday. Unfortunately, we did not find a cafe open, which was disappointing, but since today's temp is over 100 degrees, resting inside an air conditioned hotel room is really not a bad choice.  This is lunch below.  I had a grilled chicken and veggie kabob and a baked potato - my favorite. Of course I had a salad as well.  I love my salads as many of you know. Steve had a cheese burger and sautéed spinach.

This is a shot of Steve walking back to the hotel last night after dinner.  As you can see, everyone was home celebrating 4th of July.  We deduced this because we heard and saw fireworks last night, just didn't see any people.

The lone photographer

This is a shot of Scott City in the center of town at about 2:00p.  See again no people.  Perhaps they were all at church.

Scott City

City sidewalk

Steve in front of Tate's

Since this is a rest day, true to form, here below are some odd pics and explanations.

This is probably one of the most interesting finds.  We got this in Utah.  I forgot to include this in my last rest day post so here it is.  This is called a petrified sea shell.  Why is this significant?  Because it was found in the desert.  Now how does a sea shell get in the desert?  And this isn't the only one.  There are hundreds of thousands of them and can be found in California, Arizonia, New Mexico, Utah and other western states.  People have been mining them for decades.  One of the locals in Utah gave this to us and told us the theory that goes with it.  That a long, long time ago 24 to 54 millions of years, a passageway across South America connected the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Over time, the oceans receded and left behind evidence of its existence. I found the history of this little fossil pretty interesting ... hope you do too.

Sea shell fossil

At this point, you must have seen in previously posted pictures the addition of a mirror on our sunglasses that both Steve and I now use.  Most all other bicycle riders that we have run into, had one.  So, we bought this $20 item in Montrose.  One of the best investments of the tour.  We now can see every moving vehicle approaching us from behind. Really a must have item!  Steve and I can't believe that it has taken us this long to get one.

This is a product that I bought for my saddle sores.  It has Arnica cream as an ingredient, recommended by my sister Toni-Ann.  Only time will tell if this is truly a keeper. 

Tomorrow, we are off to either Ness City (55 miles) or Alexander (75 miles).  This really depends on the wind.  The forecast at the moment has it coming from the SW moving N, then moving E.  So to avoid a strong N and/or E wind, we would have to leave very early (about 5:00a).  We are planning an early start, so lets see how we do!


  1. Mom made me eggs and oranges this week too! Love it too! Interesting story about seashell but I don't think it was that many years ago. Hope the Arnica cream works! Way to go US Women's Soccer Team!!! Safe riding today! Love you guys! ❤️

  2. Oranges and eggs... I've never heard of that before. It sounds a little questionable but I won't doubt Annette's food expertise. I'll have to give it a try!

  3. I posted a long comment on my cell phone, but it didn't publish, I was not happy. Where are all the lonely people!! Never seen a place with not one person walking etc. Made plans with your mom
    for Wednesday, and we discussed your eggs and oranges I think she was surprised to see that picture!!
    Hope you had a great rest day. Now if the weather co-operates, you'll have a great riding day! Have a safe day and Take care!! We Love you!!
