Day 11
Today was a perfect day riding. A short 30 miles to Phoenixville. It was hot and sunny, which is preferable to rain, but it did mean frequent hydration breaks. We were on the bike path 90% of the time. It was a fast ride because we didn't have to share our riding space with cars or encounter traffic lights; however, we did have to share the path with other bikers and pedestrians. This was much easier to navigate, so we rode straight into Phoenixville without stopping for lunch. It was inevitable, however, that we did manage to piss off a few drivers during the other 10% of the time on the roads. We encountered a few crazies saying things like 'share the road' and 'get the F on the side walk.' Imagine saying that kind of thing to a bicyclist. Like we really cared - the day was so perfect! Of course, we just laughed and kept on riding :)
Along the way we hydrated, ate bananas and soft pretzel bits with mustard. The pretzels, an impulsive snack Jen and Ben purchased in Doylestown that morning. Although I did not partake in the pretzel snacking (because of the gluten), Ben reassured me that they were just great! And of course Steve continues to remind everyone that I have DR, dietary restrictions. As if it is a disease! Now he's got Jen and Ben are saying it too!
Here below is a great pic of Steve and Jen.
Father and Daughter |
Here are some shots from Yesterday's ride.
A great picture of Jen and Ben.
The Lovers |
A picture Ben took of Steve and I.
Fooling Around in the Woods |
A picture I took of the three giving me some attitude.
Attitude X 3 |
Much Needed Rest |
We really needed something to drink at this point above. We were really parched!
So tonight we had a great meal at an Irish Pub; Peggy if you are reading you would be very proud. Then we went to the Colonial Theater here in town. We saw the documentary 'Fed Up'. A look at the food industry and the obesity epidemic here in America. This is a great film. I recommend it to all. A bit disturbing, but so relevant and informative. All four of us never want to buy another food item from a box or in a can from this point forward. The big take away - excessive amounts of Sugar in our diets is the leading cause of disease in this country and we should all say goodbye to Soda!
Steve's Entry
We all met on the porch of the Doylestown Inn this morning around 10am and discussed breakfast plans over cups of coffee. This was not unusual as most of our conversations revolve around eating and drinking coffee.
On the Doylestown Inn porch:
We met some folks who live in Doylestown and they recommended Gerilyn's for breakfast. It was close by and when we arrived they said they could accommodate Di's long list of dietary restrictions (DR), so it worked out great. As an added bonus we were seated in their outdoor patio. As a special bonus we soon found their coffee was extremely good.
Relaxing at Gerilyn's for breakfast:
Apparently we were too relaxed because we didn't start riding until 12:30am. At 12:32 Ben declared his iPhone had sent us the wrong way. We decided to abandon the iPhone and use the Garmin. At 12:35 Di declared we had gone the wrong way. Sigh. Eventually, we figured out which way to go and started on our trip to Phoenixville.
Jen expresses her feelings about getting lost:
Because we had a large breakfast, we decide not to stop for lunch. Instead, we just took a few quick breaks along the way.
Ingesting what Fed Up later taught us was too much sugar:
We rode much of the day on bike paths.
Ben's youthful exuberance induces him to ride far ahead of us:
Ben and Jen modeling pretty scenery:
I took this while riding (not bad, eh?):
Taking another break to eat some of Ben's stash of pretzels:
We made it to the Mainstay Inn around 4pm. We relaxed for a little while and then went exploring.
Di glammed up for exploration of Phoenixville:
Naturally, we explored no further than the first cafe:
We each drank an ice mocha at the cafe and then had to find a restaurant because Di and Ben said they were starving. We weren't sure where to eat, but then we saw Molly Maguire's across the street and its close proximity meant we wouldn't have to walk anymore, so it became the perfect place to eat. We were seated upstairs on their outdoor patio. We get seated so often on the outdoor patios that I'm beginning to think we aren't wanted in the main seating areas. Is it possible we don't look that appealing after riding all day?
Two appealing restaurant patrons:
I found dinner at Molly Maguire's to be particularly refreshing.
Tomorrow is our last day of riding with Ben and Jen. Its been a lot of fun riding with them and they will be sorely missed as we begin our journey back to RI.