Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Day 51: Quebec City, Quebec, Canada - Rest Day

Day 51: Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

August 2, 2016

Miles: 0 

Rest day in Quebec City, Quebec

It was another beautiful day in Quebec!  Sunny skies with the temperature in the upper 70s.

This morning's wake up call started at Paillard - Sandra, Gina, Steve, Dine and Nanny started their day off right with sweet and scrumptious breakfast selections.  Afterward, Sandra and Gina left to continue to explore every inch of Old Quebec City.  As for me, I chose to wake up slowly. I eventually met up with Steve, Dine and Nanny for a cup of coffee, but by noon, we were all together and had decided we wanted to take another look at Chateau Frontenac.

Today's selection of sweets

Bread selection for show

After a few cups of coffee, anything is possible.

Steve, Nanny and I caught a cab to Chateau Frontenac, while Dine, Sandra and Gina walked to meet us.  We spent an hour or so in the Chateau to see what it had to offer.   Beautiful brass hardward and dark oak and walnut wood decor filled the interior.  For some reason we don't have a picture of the reception area, but we do have shots of different pieces of artwork.

Colorful, glass couple holding hands
Folks walking on the broadwalk
Steve trying not to get caught
We exited to the boardwalk from the hotel.  There was so much happening on the boardwalk that we all went our separate ways for about 30 minutes or so.  Steve went to taking pictures, Nanny went to sit in the shade, and me to sit in the sun. The girls wondered together to the other end of the boardwalk.  

Acrobat performer

Nanny with her new friend

Hyrdating while sitting in the sun

Steve, Nanny and I decided to get a quick lunch and Dine, Sandra, and Gina decided on a quick snack. After lunch, it was a day of shopping and strolling around town visiting local art vendors and the beautiful Notre Dame Cathedral and historic Citadel.

Photo taken by Nanny
Surprise, surprise!
Artist Alley

Dine, Sandra and Gina went to the Citadel as we explored the Cathedral.

Norte Dame Cathedral
Inside the Cathedral
The Alter
A Closeup
Nanny saying a prayer or making a wish, not sure
View of Old QC from the Citadel - see Chateau Frontenac standing tall (photo Gina)
Citadel hospital (photo Gina)
Cannon named Rachel located at the Citadel (photo Gina)
Remember me (photo Gina)

We agreed to meet up for an early dinner. Because the girls went to the Citadel, a little further out as we explored the Cathedral, they were a little late meeting us for dinner.  This really didn't cause a problem for the restaurant, nor did it us.

Steve and Nanny crowded by the unoccupied tables
Closeup of the paella that I ordered
Dinner is served - what looks wrong with this picture?

As I write this blog, the rest are out enjoying dessert and coffee across the street at Paillard.  The same place as where the day began. I wanted to get a head start on writing tonight's blog, so I decided to stay behind.  It's going to be hard to say goodbye after such a wonderful vacation together, but lets not talk about that just yet!.  Before we head out tomorrow, we all plan to meet up for one final meal together - breakfast at 8:30a. 

Tomorrow we will be off to Portneuf, a little village town on the north shore of the Saint Lawrence River about 42 miles west.


  1. More great pics! Great vacation! Enjoy your breakfast together. Safe travel home ladies! Safe riding to Portneuf Di and Steve! ❤️

  2. I think Paillard is going to see a sales increase after getting so much exposure in the blog! It does look delicious! I love all of the pictures today. I've officially added Quebec to my bucket list now. Safe travels today to everyone!
